the media lounge


“The ultimate blend of pop culture.” - Hotdog Magazine

“The entertainment is priceless.” - The Guardian

what was the media lounge?

Genuinely hard to say. It started life as a one-off screening of homemade mashups, sketches and music videos in the backroom of the Lescar pub in Sheffield in summer 2002. It soon became a monthly event, alternating between original shows and a special events - best-of repeat shows, screenings of independent documentaries, special AV performances and musical shows.

It was built around an aesthetic and attitude of VHS appreciation, and VHS degradation. Pop culture was our language of choice and we gleefully mashed up hundreds of obscure videos we found at flea markets and second-hand shops with famous movies and music, creating our own reality where faded formats never died and junk culture reigned supreme.

It grew to become a weekly club night in London’s Brick Lane, then we debuted a feature length show at Raindance Film Festival, a nationwide ‘simulcast’ in 5 different cities across the UK and numerous festival appearances.

During this time we created music videos, remixes and documentaries for various bands and artists, and even toured live visuals with some of them. The Media Lounge effectively closed in 2007 (shortly after running our own AV festival FourPlay) but we merged into a production company called Medlo and worked for many years after that - much of that work is now archived on this website.

Hence the name, Dave Medlo.


Designed by Tim Parmee and filled with the same kind of pop-culture infused referencing that kept Family Guy going for 12(?) long seasons.


A collection of scrapbook kept press cuttings from across the years


We made hundreds - literally hundreds - of ridiculous Media Lounge videos over the years. Click above for a select few or follow this link for the YouTube playlist.


A collection of various Media Lounge related material from deep within the archives.

the media lounge: